August 31, 2008

My life flickring before my browser

Well, on to task 5.
I was rather impressed by Flickr, I have to say. It's fairly easy and intuitive to upload and categorize pictures. The headings in your page don't seem to fit however. Like "You" as a link. Why not just put "Your Pictures?"
But I absolutely love the Flickr uploading program you can download to your desktop. It makes adding photos easy and efficient, though the feature to create sets from the program didn't work. I ended up having to recreate the set online once they were uploaded. Other than that though, I thought it was great.
I added some pictures I took while camping down in Lake Hope State park a few weeks ago with a friend as well as my favorite library picture. I took it outside the branch I work at in the CML system, and I love the way the late afternoon sun makes the sign seem to glow from within
To wrap up my experience, I have to say that the convergence that occurred between Flickr and Blogger was awesome. I mean, going beyond the convenience of being able to use my existing Gmail and Yahoo Mail accounts for these programs, having them talk to one another so that I can use either one to post blogs is so nice. Yay for Web 2.0!

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