August 31, 2008

Knitting 2.0

So, we can talk about anything technology related?
I guess that I would have to talk about a social networking site that blows my mind. It's called Ravelry and it's a site for knitters (and crocheters).
However, that description does not do it justice. Ravelry uses all of the best of Web 2.0 technologies, the abilities to post pictures, catalog personal collections, discuss with fellow enthusiasts, to really help knitters in their craft.
On an individual level, a person can catalog their needles, yarn, and books, and put information on the pieces they have completed, are working on, and want to work on. On a group level, this information can be searched by others to facilitate the sharing of ideas, patterns, and equipment, and group discussions can be used to talk with friends and get advice on projects.
For knitters (and crocheters), this site is a dream come true. I encourage anyone who crafts to give it a try. You won't be disappointed.


Lindsey said...

I love Ravelry! It's totally changed the way I knit :D

Cool post.

Shannon said...

Yay Ravelry!!! I love it! The only problem: it's so much fun that it cuts into my knitting time...oops! :)